Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dan's Cooking

So this week was a little nutty both at work and at home and I won't lie I was pretty stressed out. I had a job interview today as well to top it all off.
Well when I got home from work today Dan was busy busy in the kitchen and had barricaded himself in. The second I walked in the door I was told I was forbidden. :)
After a few hours of yummy smells and a few crashes and bangs in the kitchen, dinner was served, and BOY OH BOY was it good!!
Let me paint you a picture of how good I have it (okay lets call it bragging) Not only does he cook, but he is quite the looker too!
(The man of the hour! The ONE AND ONLY.... DAN)

Dinner was so good I had to post some pictures!
Now I do not have the recipes to post as he was kinda winging it, but he may write it up and post it here later on.

Okay now keep in mind (this makes everything so much more impressive) Dan is a full on carnivore, he will eat any weird meat you can find for him.
(OH and did I mention... there was flowers)

The appetizer were these delicious spicy baked eggplant fries, with a fantastic dill and lime yogurt dip

If you are not drooling by now... you are nuts!

 Okay now for dinner! This was incredible and so impressive.
He made some roasted carrots with a red wine shiitake sauce, over a little bed of chopped purple cabbage(which he said was just to look pretty but I ate it up anyways with the sauce)

He also grilled these adorible little baby peppers.

Now the pièce de résistance!

Dan made cashew crusted tofu with a delicious "cream" sauce.
The best part about the sauce (aside from the incredible taste) Is the unexpected main ingredient, which also makes this sauce healthy.
Though it tastes creamy and fattening it is made with SILKENED TOFU, some milk, herbs spices, and a tiny bit of butter, so it is not nearly as bad for you as it tastes.

 (You have to admit... He did well)

And now for dessert (that's right, he even made dessert)
Dan served up three little scoops of ice cream, each with a different home made fruit sauce.
They were, strawberry, blackberry, and pineapple

So needless to say. Tonight was a rough night full of eating, and I doubt I will ever recover. I have told Dan he has got himself into trouble setting the bar this high.

If you have any comments Dan and I would be thrilled to hear them. Oh and maybe a little praise for Dan for being such a wonderful boyfriend!


  1. Good job and it looks yummy!

  2. Spicy baked eggplant fries, it looks so delicious!can you help me out with this recipe? :)
